Anthony Navarro

By: Anthony Navarro on September 10th, 2023

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Reasons Tankless Water Heaters Leak (Video)

Tankless Water Heaters

If you're experiencing water near your tankless water heater, this could mean your tankless water heater has a leak. While condensation can happen with tankless water heaters, an excessive amount of moisture could be signs of a problem.

In this video, we'll take a look at the 3 reasons why a tankless water can leak, which include:

  • Hard water
  • High water pressure
  • Incorrect installation

Determining the cause of your leaking tankless water heater can help you to resolve the issue and prevent future leaks from happening.


In this video, we'll take a look at the 3 main reasons a tankless water heater can spring a leak:

Read the full article here: Top 3 Reasons Tankless Water Heaters Leak




Lastly, if you have leaks for any reason and want our help, call us at  (310) 853-8690.  We can fix your problem and walk you through the process.