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Blog - At Monkey Wrench Plumbing, Heating & Air we provide 5 star residential plumbing, heating, and air services throughout Los Angeles. Call today to schedule your service!

Hybrid Water Heaters

By: Nicolette Forbes
September 13th, 2022

Are you considering purchasing a hybrid water heater but unsure how long it will last? Or are you thinking about switching from a conventional water heater or tankless unit to a hybrid water heater and are curious which one has longevity?

Hybrid Water Heaters

By: Rogelio Alvarez
September 5th, 2022

Imagine the efficiency of a tankless water heater with the convenience of a tank-style water heater. That’s what a hybrid water heater is: a tankless and tank-style water heater combined into one water-heating system. As forward-thinking as these water heaters are, they have a few pros and cons that curious homeowners should be aware of.